New Mattress Firmer Than Showroom Mattress

I recently received a call about a New Mattress being Firmer than The Showroom Mattress?  This is a common thing so if this has happened to you, do not panic.

There are several reasons a New Mattress may be Firmer Than The Showroom Mattress or the Mattress you tried at a Furniture Store or Bedding Store.  I have found that especially on Latex Mattresses, they feel firmer right out of the box.  There are a few things you can do to make your New Mattress feel like the Showroom Mattress you fell in love with.

The first thing I would suggest is to walk your mattress out.  You are asking, walk your mattress out?  Yes, take your shoes off and walk on your Mattress, be careful not to fall though!  If you have a fear of falling, you can also use your knees.  One of the first layers on all new Mattresses is a Fire Retardant material that will give your mattress a firm stiff feel.  If you walk on your Mattress, This material is freed from the next layer to allow some settling or softening of your mattress.  Many of the Showroom Mattresses have had kids jumping and playing and people pushing and testing so it works this out.

So, now that you know it is not uncommon for your New Mattress to feel Firmer than the showroom Mattress that you picked out, you can revert to your inner child and play on your Mattress.  Well, maybe you have kids that can do this for you.

Customer Email:
"Thank you for your advice on getting my New Mattress to feel like the Mattress in the store!  I was freaking out because the Mattress I purchased was not cheap.  My new Mattress is a Tempurpedic Memory Foam and you are correct, after about 30 days, My New Mattress is Heavenly!  Thanks again"