Jamison Mattress Reviews

Jamison Mattress
Jamison Mattress

Jamison Mattress Reviews provides independent reviews of Jamison Mattresses.  You will find a little history about Jamison Mattresses and individual mattress construction and reviews under the mattress names in the right hand column.  If you have a Jamison Mattress Review or have any additional comments, email us at JamisonMattressReviews@gmail.com 

Jamison Mattresses have been around since the 1880's and there is a reason that they are a Top Choice for Mattress Buyers.  I will first say, I have been selling them for years so I may be biased.  But, I have researched the company extensively to see why they are such a great manufacturer, but maybe not the best known.

Jamison Bedding, in the grand scheme of things, is a relatively small company.  They span 6 Generations of family ownership and guess what?  They are still family owned!  They have resisted the urge to go global and too corporate.  Jamison Mattresses are only shipped in the Southeast Region of the United States so if you are West of the Mississippi, you may have never heard of Jamison Mattresses unless you stayed in one of the major hotel chains that carry them.  They are a co-preferred vendor of Marriott Hotels which means that Marriott uses other companies, but Jamison is in many of them.

I get people daily that have slept on a Jamison Mattress in a Hotel, friends house, or replacing one they have owned for years.  People who have owned Jamison in the past, return to the mattress.  So, why is Jamison Mattress so popular among shoppers?  I believe it ALL comes down to the Jamison Mattress workforce.  Jamison is family owned and they believe in family.  There are many that start there and retire there and have family that works there and retires there.  A true sense of Family.

Jamison Mattresses are also made of quality materials and craftsmenship.  I can say that I have Never had a complaint out of a Jamison Mattress and that is saying a lot!  There are other mattress companies that I have sold and dealt with problems from day one.  Many companies use sub-par foam for their mattresses to try and save a dollar and this will cause problems down the road.  Jamison uses quality materials, whether it be foam, Latex, or metal for inner-springs.