1. A big question to ask about your Jamison Mattress, how long is the warranty? what does it cover? How do I file a claim?
That is 3 questions in one, but they are related. Jamison Mattresses do not all come with the same warranty so make sure you ask. At the time of this writing, the majority have a 10 year non prorated warranty. The Resort Collection have 15 Year non-prorated. The latex mattresses have a 20 year non prorated warranty. Non-prorated just means that it does not go down over your length of ownership.
The main Warranty claim filed is for deep body impressions, but I must say I have very little problems from Jamison Mattresses. They are made well and hold up over time.
To file a claim, visit your selling retailer. The retailer orders you a kit to fill out details along with pictures. If your selling retailer has closed, Jamison will put you in touch with the closest dealer or handle themselves.
2. Another great question before Buying your Jamison Mattress, how tall is the overall height of mattress/ Boxspring.
You may have a large poster bed that is tall and you may want to go to lower height Boxspring which are available in 1", 4", and around 9-10 Inches. A standard height Boxspring will be 9 inches, anything lower in height is considered a Low Profile box or a LoPro.
3. This may go hand in hand with the first question, but ask how to protect your Mattress Warranty. There are many different types, styles, and names of Mattress Protectors. Or, you may have a topper or mattress pad. Just remember, a cup of water can ruin your investment so make sure you keep it covered with a waterproof protector. Most Mattress Protectors are waterproof, but most Mattress pads are not.
This is 3 basic questions for Jamison Matress Buyers. There are many more you will cover including Price, Financing, delivery, setup, etc. Just wanted to touch a few that many forget about.